University of California, Berkeley 
Bachelor of Arts, Architecture 
Minor in Sustainable Design

Joyce is an enthusiast for all things design-related with 10 years of experience working in multi-family architecture. Guided by the mantra that less is more, her designs are driven by her unwavering belief in the power of minimalist elegance. She approaches each project as a symphony of simplicity, forging an open dialogue between the built and natural environment. With a keen eye for detail and a reverence for the rhythms of nature, she seeks to design environments that not only stand the test of time, but also foster a sense of belonging and connection.

Outside of work, you'll find Joyce in the kitchen testing new recipes or out in nature, running and hiking ridiculous distances to balance out her insatiable appetite. It's in the embrace of the great outdoors that she finds solace, drawing inspiration from the beauty of the natural world and the infinite possibilities it holds.

My favorite medium is…food. I love how it engages all the senses and gives me the opportunity to explore different visual compositions, textures, and cultures. For me, food is not merely sustenance, but a medium through which to celebrate the richness of life and the beauty of human connection.